
It is true that Bruce Lee died in the apartment of the actress Ting Pei.

It is also true that his body was found in her bed. But other rumours were not confirmed.

There is a story, seldom heard, which goes like this:

When the police arrived, a large group of reporters had gathered. They saw the body covered in a sheet being carried out. Everybody rushed in and shouted the same question, “Is it true that Bruce Lee died in the middle of having sex?"

The medic drove the ambulance away without giving any answer.

Of course, the reporters and photographers jumped into cars and taxis and followed. At the morgue, the body was swiftly wheeled in and the doors were closed.

Hours passed. They waited anxiously.

The door opened and a shabby character from the morgue came out for a smoke.

“Is it true that Bruce Lee’s lower part was still left upstanding?" This was rumoured by everybody.

“It’s true," came the answer.

“Ow!" Everyone was gripped.

“Please let us in to take a photo," they all begged.

“It will cost you," the shabby caretaker announced.

“How much? How much?" they all screamed at the same time.

“500 Dollars."

Five hundred in the early seventies was a large sum and they hesitated.

The caretaker turned to leave.

“Wait! Wait!" they shouted. “At least you have to let one of us take a look before we call for permission."

The caretaker scratched his head and nodded unwillingly.

One of the reporters was chosen. The caretaker opened up a small gap to let him peep.

And Lo! There was an object standing rock- firm under the bed sheet!

He returned and confirmed it to his colleagues.

There were no mobile phones then, so everybody lined up at the phone booth. With such big news, of course the editors said, “Yes!"

After all of them had handed over the money to the caretaker, he instructed, “All of you! Enter one by one!"

Everybody was trying to grasp the opportunity to take the first shot and in the chaos no one heard his words, they all rushed in together.

There was no time for the caretaker to stop them.

The door was thrown open wide, and in blew a strong gust of wind.

The sheet was blown up in the air.

There lay two pillows lined up vertically and a pair of chopsticks stuck in between.

There was no body and no erection.

Everybody wanted their money back, but the caretaker was nowhere to be found.