The Inquest

Raymond Chow, the president of Golden Harvest Studios was one of the smartest men I have known.

When Bruce Lee died, the insurance company refused to pay his family. They said that during the autopsy, remains of marijuana were found in Bruce Lee’s stomach. The cause of death might have been a drug overdose which was not be covered by insurance. The widow was thrown into turmoil because famous as Lee was, he did not leave a big fortune behind.

Chow immediately contacted two people in Australia. At the inquest, the insurance company presented their case. Chow’s lawyer who represented the widow called his two witnesses.

“Please state your profession," the lawyer asked.

“Professor at Melbourne University."

“For how many years?"



“The study of marijuana."

“In the years of your study, has anyone ever died after taking marijuana?"

“No, sir."

“No more questions, Your Honour."

The next witness appeared. Same questions and the same answers, except for one. “For how many years?"

“Thirty," said the old professor.

The judge announced the verdict.

The insurance company was ordered to pay.